Depro Profiles, every day A little bit of a homecoming for Key Account Kim


It is often difficult to estimate beforehand how pleasant a space is until you actually enter it. For Kim Callewaert, Key Account at Depro Profiles, this first introduction evolved into a fairy tale that has now lasted for four years. Time to look back and forward, in a conversation where the “Happily ever after!” never seems far away.




From interim to permanent job

“After an interim job with Depro Profiles, in 2017 I immediately had the opportunity to become a permanent staff member as a Customer Service employee in a team of six,” says Kim. “A job that fit in perfectly with my studies in multilingual business communication, and in which you are responsible, among other things, for the input of orders and the organisation of transports. And so I grabbed that opportunity with both hands!”


A growing company with internal development opportunities

Within a growing company like Depro, development opportunities are very much on the cards, and indeed Kim was offered a new position as Key Account Manager after just one year.

“Customer Service has proven to be an excellent stepping stone to growth,” Kim recalls enthusiastically. “I had a lot of interest in how everything worked, and so I went for it. The many in-house training courses I was able to follow ensured that there was absolutely no fear of thresholds.”


Depro Profiles, always a little bit of a homecoming

At a distance of just 15 kilometres, Kim’s parental home in Heuvelland - her base of operations when she had just started at Depro Profiles - was relatively close to the Comines-based firm. “For me, that proximity was a big reason to apply to Depro at the time,” she says. But even now that Kim lives in Roeselare - twice the distance she first had to travel - this accessibility is very easy, and for Kim, Comines is still a little bit of a homecoming again every day.


Health and safety

Depro values a good working atmosphere. “That pleasant working atmosphere with colleagues was there right away, and that was partly the result of the initiatives from the company itself. Such as a joint breakfast or a dessert buffet. There are also colleagues who are committed to Health and Safety, where health at work is central. Cycling weeks, local fitness sessions, workshops, etc. These are great initiatives that benefit solidarity!” To be continued!

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